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Planisphere for AL Observing

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I was looking for a place to start with really learning and becoming a better observer, which led me to start working on the observing programs offered by the Astronomical League. The very first one that feels introductory requires a planisphere. Does anyone have any good insight for acquiring a planisphere? Yes, it's entirely possible to just plop "planisphere" into a variety of search locations, but it would be nice to have something that is vouched for by people who use it regularly or have used it regularly. Thanks 🙂

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Posts: 35

Be aware that the Planisphere comes in various sizes.  As we get older, the larger ones become easier to read even if a bit cumbersome due to size.  They are also designed to take into account North or South Hemisphere, as well as different Latitudes.  I have one that is labeled "Guide to the Stars", for the Northern Hemisphere, Lat 30-60 deg. It is 16 inches from tip to tip and has full instructions on how to best use it.  It is available on Amazon for $19.95 +s/h.  It can be delivered as soon as tomorrow.  I hope this helps some.  



Member Customer, NEFAS
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 18

The David Levy large plainsphere, Al? 

i have one of those as well as Chandler, teardrop type. Get that one larger, if print size is an issue. 8”


