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Lunar Occultation o...
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Lunar Occultation of Antares - Thu Aug 24

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Member Customer, NEFAS
Joined: 1 year ago
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Thursday evening the Moon occults Antares. It will be visible as a grazing occultation from southern St John's county. The Moon will start to pass in front of Antares sometime around 11 PM EST (depending on your location). It will be low in the southwest (15 degrees altitude) and so a bit hard to spot. More info about the occultation can be found on and in the attached astronomy lab that Dr. Mike Reynolds wrote for UNF a few decades ago. I imported the visibility map into Google Maps if anyone wants to check on their location.


Member Customer, NEFAS
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 4
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Paul Jones pointed out to me that the map I provided is a bit misleading. The graze line is actually a bit farther north than it appears on the map. This map from CloudyNights is a better guide. You want to be north of the green line.

